Wednesday, 17 December 2008

If you haven't yet received an activation email....

Hey all - we've just discovered that our email server is refusing to send out some of your activation emails. Just to make the problem worse, it's also been withholding emails sent using the "contact us" form as well. We're really sorry about this, we haven't been ignoring your emails - promise!

We're sorting out that issue now and should have them resent out soon, but for the meantime if you really want in - drop us a quick message directly and I'll give you your activation code pronto. Email address is hello (put a little at sign here instead of this bit)

Update: All activations should now be sent out - if you haven't yet received yours, send us an email and we'll sort it all out for you :)

Saturday, 13 December 2008

New look home pages & revamped dashboards

As a little early christmas pressie to you all, we thought we'd roll out a couple of the changes we've been busy working on lately. Hope you enjoy!

New Look Home Page, Gardens & Plants Pages

We've completely overhauled the home, gardens, plants and gardener pages to highlight more features from around the site. Whilst working on this feature we were continuously amazed at the number of absolutely beautiful photographs we have linked within the site, so we've tried to showcase them in a more of a browsable, magazine-like way. They are now displayed randomly too - so hopefully you'll stumble across some wonderful gardens that you haven't yet discovered. It all adds to the serendipitous nature of folia!

Revamped Dashboards

Login in and check out the changes to your gardener dashboards - you'll find it much more orderly and widgety (and ready for more changes in that direction!) You can hide and show panels as you need them, and you'll also find that your frost dates are now displayed prominently on your planting timeline.

We're still working on a heap of new exciting changes during the winter - we'll be releasing bits and pieces as we go, so keep your eyes peeled and keep your awesome suggestions coming!