Yay! We now have a calendar view on all Supporter's Journals! So, if you are a Supporter, you'll now find a calendar on the right hand panel that will transport you forward and backward in time (in the garden journaling dimension, that is)
You can take it for a spin here over in Nic's Journal and check out what she was doing on the 10th of June, 2008... or strap yourself in and go right back in time to 30th May, 2007 (remember to not step on any bugs or meet your grandmother on the way.)
This feature is only available for our lovely, fantastic Supporters. If you think you might be interested in becoming one, take a wander over to our Become a Supporter! page to peruse all of the lovely features we have built so far. Remember that the more supporters we have, the more features we can develop for everyone! (Did we also mention it's as cheap as chips?)