Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Weekly Garden Planner Email Improvements

We’ve added a couple of new things to the newsletter – here’s a quick rundown of what to look out for when it hits your inbox today:

  • Local Gardening Group logic has been tweaked and we are showing more than your closest one. If you are in the UK or Aust. you’ll now also see your country group.
  • Discussions This Week now show only topics from the groups you are a member of – so if you want a bit more variety than the Chit Chat group, get out there and join some more groups !
  • Recommended gardeners to follow now filters out the people you are already following, so keep checking the list every month to find more interesting Folians near you.
  • Plant Match Maker – this is a brand new beta section that we are trialling, it will sort through your Wish List and find matching items that people have marked as available to swap, and will also try and find you some matches from our retailer plant catalogue lists (* sales made through the product catalogue links give Folia a small income, so definitely consider having a look at some of these if you can!)
  • The Planting Planner (Sow, Transplant, Harvest) now shows 10 suggestions instead of the entire list (for people with huge seed stash lists this section was huge!). Instead, we are linking to a new filter on your Seed Stash page that will show you everything in your seed stash for the event and month of your choosing. Confused? It’s probably easier to explain with an example: check out my List of Stash items available to Sow in June
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing some of you from receiving your weekly dose of Folia goodness. Hopefully everyone is getting their emails through now, but if you aren’t – firstly check your Junk / Spam folders. If it isn’t there, let us know and we’ll look into it for you.

Hope you like the improvements!

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to Folia (and also earn a badge)!

Hi all – we’ve just rolled out a brand new release of goodies to the site today, the biggest change being Facebook and Twitter integration!

Via the new Account page in your profile , you can now connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts directly to Folia. Everytime you post a new planting, milestone or journal you can choose if you wish to also post a message to either account. You don’t have to post all the time – just unselect the checkbox for either or all and your post will not be sent to either party.

As a little bonus, if you connect your accounts you’ll also get some awesome little “Connected!” badges on your profile :)

How do I connect my Twitter account with Folia?

  1. Go to your new Account page in your profile
  2. Click the “Sign-in with Twitter” light blue button and a window on twitter should appear asking you to authorize us. Remember that we will never post to your stream unless you ask us to.
  3. Click the “Allow” option and you’ll be taken back to your account page – your twitter account details should now be displaying if everything went tickety-boo.

How do I connect my Facebook account with Folia?

  1. Go to your new Account page in your profile
  2. Click the “Sign-in with Facebook” dark blue button and a window on facebook should appear asking you to authorize us (if you aren’t signed in, it will display a sign-in box first). Facebook will request a couple of “advanced privileges” (as they call them) which basically authorizes Folia to post to your stream. Remember that we will never post to your stream unless you ask us to.
  3. Click the “Allow” option and you’ll be taken back to your account page – your facebook account details should now be displaying if everything went tickety-boo.

As this is a huuuge change, we need your help in testing this feature – so connect your accounts, get posting and let us know if there are any problems in the Bugs & Issues group . Thanks!

Update: Forgot to also add that you can also use your Facebook profile pic on Folia if you want as well – after you connect your Facebook account, go to your Photos page and you should see your profile pic appear in the list of suggestions.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Folia Street Team relaunch - come join and help spread the word!

I’m really eager to get the Folia Street Team going again, as it’s been a little neglected of late. I’ve just given the group a lick of paint with a brand new logo and banner, so join the group if you are interested in helping us to find ways to spread the word about the site now that the gardening season is in full swing!

Folia Street Team – A Grassroots Campaign

p.s. I might even be creating special limited edition Street Team badges for everyone who joins! ;)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Want to create a logo for your group?

You may have noticed that the Groups page is now looking a little more colourful and a lot more interesting – we’ve been busy adding logos and banners for the most popular groups.

We’d love to add more group images, so if you are the caretaker of a group and would like to create a logo and banner for your group, download your templates here…

…and send them to with the name of your group and we’ll upload them for you asap.

If you aren’t the caretaker of your group but you are interested in helping out, contact the caretaker to ask them if they are okay with you creating the images on their behalf and go for it!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

New Blog Widget : Latest in my Seed Stash

We've just released a new little blog widget to the site - this one shows the latest additions to your seed stash. You'll find the code to install over on the Goodies page.

Saturday, 5 June 2010

Supporter Beta: The Folia Mobile App v0.1!

We’ve just released the very first version of the Folia mobile app (YaY!), and we need help to test and improve it. So, get your smartphones at the ready and point your Safari browsers at:

What do we currently have in version 0.1?

  • Planting Lists – see everything in your planted lists
  • Plant Wiki – search for plants and view the wiki (you can also add new plantings from here)
  • Add Milestone Events

The mobile app is currently in Supporter Beta – if you aren’t yet a Supporter, please consider becoming one as it helps us with hosting costs and allows us to make cool features like this one!

If you have an idea on how to make the mobile app better – let us know in the Suggestions & Feedback group.

If you’ve found a bug, or something isn’t working as you think it should – let us know in the Bugs & Issues group . If you could let us know what sort of device (iPhone, Android, iPad etc.) you are using, that would be great!