Wednesday, 7 July 2010

New badges: Wiki Contributor / Editor / Curator

Just before our trip back to Australia, we released a couple of new badges to the site to reward Folians that contribute to our plant / variety wiki.

The new badges are:

Wiki Contributor – Awarded to Folians that have contributed at least once to the plant wiki.
Wiki Editor – Awarded to Folians that have made a significant contribution to the Plant Wiki.
Wiki Curator – Awarded to Folians that have made an extraordinary contribution to the Folia Plant Wiki.

These awards will be instantly awarded when you contribute to the wiki the required number of times (we’re not going to disclose the exact number of edits you need for the Editor and Curator badges – they are definitely achievable though)

This time, we haven’t back awarded these badges to Folians who have already earned these – instead they will be calculated and awarded next time you edit the wiki – so go add something to the wiki and see what happens!